Org dpt IV, ak yg dah rasa
"butterflies not yet in the stomach but up to the liver".
Argghh Gerrrr
bukak buku tutup and repeat the action.
then at last, Gud nite semua nota, kita tidur bersama ye.
Moga anda sudi menghadamkan isi anda utk sy.
homaigod dah 2014 and this is the 1st entry of the year. being at home with the house chores, some business (that need me to work at kitchen), part time teacher at tuition center and so so so on buat diri kelihatan sgt busy. even nak membelek blog pon xde masa. besides, nk on laptop pon ambik masa yg lama. phewww..
bukan men kan aku ni. bunyi mmcm busy lebih mak2 yg bekerjaya malah berblogging pulakk...
hakhak k baii..